Efni sem ekki má blanda saman

Efni sem ekki má blanda saman

Stundum getur verið hætta á ferðum ef ósamrýmanleg efni blandast saman af slysni. Afleiðingarnar geta verið t.d sprenging eða myndun eitraðra eða eldfimra efna eða hvorttveggja. Það er sérstök ástæða til að hafa þetta í huga í landi þar sem jarðskjálftar eru algengir eins og á Íslandi. Best væri að geyma þessi efni í sitthvorum skápnum þannig að nánast engar líkur séu á að þau blandist saman er eitthvað kemur fyrir.

Þessar upplýsingar eru að finna í kafla 10 í SDS efnis, þar er gerð grein fyrir stöðugleika og hvarfgirni og þar er það tekið fram ef einhver efni eru ósamrýmanleg.

Hér er listi yfir nokkur algeng ósamrýmanleg efni fenginn úr bókinni "Prudent Practices in the Laboratory" frá árinu 1995. Gætið að því að þessi listi er alls ekki tæmandi.

Acetic acid

Chromic acid, nitric acid, peroxides, permanganates

Acetic anhydride

Hydroxyl-containing compounds such as ethylene glycol, perchloric acid


Concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid mixtures, hydrogen peroxide


Chlorine, bromine, copper, silver, fluorine, mercury

Alkali and alkaline earth metals, such as sodium, potassium, lithium, magnesium, calcium, powdered aluminum

Carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride, other chlorinated hydrocarbons (also prohibit the use of water, foam, and dry chemical extinguishers on fires involving these metals—dry sand should be employed)

Ammonia (anhydrous)

Mercury, chlorine, calcium hypochlorite, iodine, bromine, hydrogen fluoride

Ammonium nitrate

Acids, metal powders, flammable liquids, chlorates, nitrites, sulfur, finely divided organics, combustibles


Nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide


Ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, butane, other petroleum gases, sodium carbide, turpentine, benzene, finely divided metals

Calcium oxide


Carbon, activated

Calcium hypochlorite, other oxidants


Ammonium salts, acids, metal powders, sulfur, finely divided organics, combustibles

Chromic acid and chromium trioxide

Acetic acid, naphthalene, camphor, glycerol, turpentine, alcohol, other flammable liquids


Ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, butane, other petroleum gases, hydrogen, sodium carbide, turpentine, benzene, finely divided metals

Chlorine dioxide

Ammonia, methane, phosphine, hydrogen sulfide


Acetylene, hydrogen peroxide


Isolate from everything


Hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, any other oxidant

Hydrocarbons (benzene, butane, propane, gasoline, turpentine, etc.)

Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, chromic acid, peroxides

Hydrocyanic acid

Nitric acid, alkalis

Hydrofluoric acid (anhydrous)

Ammonia (aqueous or anhydrous) Hydrogen fluoride

Hydrogen peroxide

Copper, chromium, iron, most metals or their salts, any flammable liquid, combustible materials, aniline, nitromethane

Hydrogen sulfide

Fuming nitric acid,a oxidizing gases


Acetylene, ammonia (anhydrous or aqueous)


Acetylene, fulminic acid,a ammonia

Nitric acid (concentrated)

Acetic acid, acetone, alcohol, aniline, chromic acid, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, flammable liquids, flammable gases, nitratable substances


Inorganic bases, amines

Oxalic acid

Silver and mercury and their salts


Oils, grease, hydrogen, flammable liquids, solids, gases

Perchloric acid

Acetic anhydride, bismuth and its alloys, alcohol, paper, wood, grease, oils (all organics)

Peroxides, organic

Acids (organic or mineral), (also avoid friction, store cold)

Phosphorus (white)

Air, oxygen

Phosphorus pentoxide

Alcohols, strong bases, water

Potassium chlorate

Acids (see also chlorates)

Potassium perchlorate

Acids (see also perchloric acid)

Potassium permanganate

Glycerol, ethylene glycol, benzaldehyde, sulfuric acid

Silver and silver salts

Acetylene, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, fulminic acid,a ammonium compounds


See alkali metals (above)

Sodium nitrite

Ammonium nitrate and other ammonium salts

Sodium peroxide

Any oxidizable substance, such as ethanol, methanol, glacial acetic acid, acetic anhydride, benzaldehyde, carbon disulfide, glycerol, ethylene glycol, ethyl acetate, methyl acetate, furfural

Sulfuric acid

Chlorates, perchlorates, permanganates